Found Volumes: Artist Books from Recycled Hardbacks
Arts & DIY
The artist book is a compelling object with countless variations. By beginning with a found book, artists are able to draw upon the history of the object, and take advantage of the structure and look of a hard back volume.
In this class, Dabblers will learn a range of “interventions” and simple processes for transforming found books into personalized artistic objects. Exploring collage, excision, photographic transfers, and alternative printmaking methods, students will learn skills they can adapt to their own projects.
Students should come ready to experiment, manipulate materials, and be surprised with the results.
All ages welcome
Cancellation PolicyBummer, registration is closed for this class. Try searching for a similar class here or message the teacher to request a spot.
Instructor: Jen Besemer
Jen is a hybrid artist specializing in “recombinant poetry,” often using recycled books and ephemera as both substrate and raw material. The results have been variously exhibited, performed or published, both online and in Chicago spaces like Polvo, Dream Theater, Outer Space Studio and the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival.
Jen is the author of several poetry chapbooks and books, including Object with Man’s Face (Rain Taxi Ohm Editions) and Telephone (Brooklyn Arts Press), and is a contributor to the anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat). Recent magazine publications include Artifice, Aufgabe, BlazeVOX, Drunkenboat, e-ratio, Otoliths, and Pank. To learn more, visit