(Socially Distant) Sashiko Stitching

Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

Staying home to flatten the COVID-19 curve?  Good For You!  You're part of the solution friends. 
Experiencing cabin fever and wanting something meditave and calming to do at home in these strange times?  You're not alone.
Join me for an online version of (Socially Distant) Sashiko Stitching.

Sashiko comes to us from Japan and uses incredibly simple materials to repair worn or torn fabric, add decorative top stitching, or both. 
Its simple, repetative stitches are a fantastic way to slow down, breathe deeply, and to put your (very, very, very clean) hands to good use.

We'll learn:

  • to mark out a simple pattern (sent to you ahead of time),

  • how to prep your materials (needle, thread, cloth, ruler, marking pencil of some kind -- no hoops or fancy extras needed),

  • how to s-l-o-w down and enjoy this repetative, meditative stitching,

  • where you might use Sashiko in mending and/or as decoration & customization for your clothing

  • how Sashiko helps us keep the clothes we love longer and helps reduce our footprint on this big blue globe

I'll send a Zoom link and pattern ideas out to all registered folks
Please test your Zoom account before class starts | https://zoom.us/ 

What to Bring

Any solid cotton/linen fabric
Any thick thread will do - embroidery floss (don't separate), pearl cotton, very thin yarn, Sashiko thread if you've got it
A ruler and something to mark your fabric (pencil, chalk, water soluble pen)
A computer & Zoom

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


A lifelong learner and lover of new experiences - I'm all in for both teaching and learning new things. I can just feel my brain stretching and my world opening up when trying something new for the first time. Dabble feeds that need for newness and keeps pointing me towards things I didn't even know I needed in my life. Succulent Cupcake Decorating AND Welding, all in one spot??!! Keep it coming, and tell me more.