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Mary Burdine
Mary Burdine is a certified WCC with NAWCO, wound coordinator, and documenter with over 7 years wound care experience. She is well sought after for her exceptional documentation skills, expert wound care technique, staff management, staff in-servicing, speaking, mentoring, and wound nurse/wound coordinator training.
Mary has worked for some of the major nursing facilities throughout Chicago and, as of today, has never been "tagged" for wound care.
In this course Mary will introduce you to some of the fundamental documentation skills that she uses to stay ahead of the game.
Mary Burdine is a certified WCC with NAWCO, wound coordinator, and documenter with over 7 years wound care experience. She is well sought after for her exceptional documentation skills, expert wound care technique, staff management, staff in-servicing, speaking, mentoring, and wound nurse/wound coordinator training.
Mary has worked for some of the major nursing facilities throughout Chicago and, as of today, has never been "tagged" for wound care.
In this course Mary will introduce you to some of the fundamental documentation skills that she uses to stay ahead of the game.