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Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp: Public Speaking - What & How To Share

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Event Overview

This is part of the Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp series. Current other editions are “Public Speaking - The Business Side" (which is about everything BUT content) and “Sales & Self-Promotion.” You can see if there are upcoming offerings on the Mac & Cheese Calendar Page

PRO TIP: Many people get work to pay for bootcamps, you might want to inquire.

Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp: Public Speaking - What & How To Share


If you're already an experienced speaker and/or you feel comfortable with your content (talks and slides) and your stage presence, this Bootcamp isn't for you — this is for folks who want to hone public speaking skills, especially those who'd rather do almost anything else than get up in front of others, especially if it's to talk about themselves. This Bootcamp is also appropriate for people who don’t necessarily want to become professional speakers but are simply interested in learning how to give better presentations and tell better stories, both written and verbal.


This Bootcamp is for you if you nod to 

  • Does public speaking or calling yourself a “speaker,” “storyteller," or a “writer” freak you out? Yet also intrigue you?

  • Do you have stories or thoughts you want to share publicly?

  • Do you feel like you don't have stories or thoughts others would want to hear but you’d like to explore?

  • Do you want to improve your content, from what you say to what you show (e.g. slides)?

  • Do you want to feel more comfortable and confident in the spotlight?


“I don't really have a fear of speaking so I was a little uncertain about signing up. I do, however, feel slightly paralyzed when it comes to developing content that is substantial and resonates with an audience. This class gave me great tips and tools to begin to develop my content. It was also great to bounce ideas off my classmates. Looking forward to part 2!”


"(This) was eye-opening and released my inner speaker inside. Saya did an amazing job and helped me focus on writing as a speaker, not as a show-off."


  • How to choose, create, and share content

  • How to best communicate your thoughts and stories in ways that are engaging, memorable, comfortable, impactful, and inspiring

  • How to best complement your speaking (slides, handouts, etc.)

  • How to be less fearful of the stage and the spotlight

  • How to make public speaking work with you instead of against you

Instructor Background

Saya’s been self-employed since 2004 (after getting fired) via her business Mac & Cheese Productions℠. Without spending any money on marketing or incurring debt, she found a way to cobble together a career that beautifully, organically, and randomly meshes her skills and interests. She had $300 in savings when she started her business and has no training in anything she does, choosing to DIY and figure it out as she goes. There was no blueprint and instead of that paralyzing Saya, it invigorated her and since Day 1, she’s been harnessing and adapting the magic that is entrepreneurialism, including a speaking career that includes numerous keynotes and a TEDx. She still hasn’t figured it all out and probably never will but she has figured out a variety of things and those things just happen to be sources of terror for many.

What to Bring

Something to write on and with (laptop or pen + paper)Food/drink for yourself (optional)

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


A TEDx speaker and one of Brazen Careerist' s Top Twenty Young Professionals to Watch, Saya has discovered how to turn her love of creating community, challenging herself and those around her, and enjoying life to its fullest into her “job.” Via her company Mac & Cheese Productions℠, she helps others (and herself) live a Life of Yes℠. Saya is from Evanston, went to Boston College, and resides in Chicago.

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