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Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp: Self Promotion & Sales

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Event Category

Business & Technology

Event Overview

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur or business owner or want to be either to attend and benefit from this Bootcamp. If you’re a 9 to 5’er who wants to get more comfortable talking about yourself at work, at events, on a date, come on down!

This is part of the Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp series. Current other offerings are “Public Speaking - What & How To Share” (which is about choosing, creating, and sharing content) and “Public Speaking - The Business Side” (everything except content). 

TIP: many people get work to pay for Bootcamps, you might want to inquire. 

Life of Yes℠ Bootcamp: Self Promotion & Sales

"Saya, the Bootcamp was amazing! Most other sales workshops I've been to make me feel less confident, discouraged and embarrassed. You really went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and all your information was easy to understand. I walked away feeling inspired ---like I actually have something to offer. Thank you for leaving me with some tools that I can use for my endeavors. I've already started work on 2 websites and I've been networking and getting the word out there. You really lit a fire under my ass!"

Do you revert to “would rather do anything else" mode when:

  • You have to write copy about yourself

  • You have to ask someone to spend money on you

  • You have to ask someone to spend time on you

  • You have to market yourself (email, social media, conversation)

  • You have to figure out how to make money off of yourself 

Do you fear the moment when:

  • Someone asks you how much you charge

  • You submit a quote, immediately wishing you had charged less

  • You see a quote response in your inbox, afraid to open it because you know they won’t pay you what you want

  • Someone asks you what you do

  • Someone asks you what your qualifications are

  • You’re about to enter a “networking” event

  • You make your thoughts, service, or product public

  • People realize you’re a fraud, that you don’t know what you’re doing, and/or you’re not worth the price you’re asking

But have you long wanted to:

  • Make (more) money off your business, side-hustle, and/or interests and passions

  • Reach more people

  • Increase authentic connections that propel you forward

  • Feel more comfortable talking about yourself and engaging in small talk

Saya’s been self-employed since 2004 (after getting fired) via her business Mac & Cheese Productions℠. Without spending any money on marketing or incurring debt, she found a way to cobble together a career that beautifully, organically, and randomly meshes her skills and interests. She too hates ‘sales’ and ‘networking’ but has found ways to make such necessary-evils not only not evil but enjoyable. She doesn’t hate self-promotion but that’s because she’s “good” at it. She had $300 in savings when she started her business and has no training in anything she does, choosing to DIY and figure it out as she goes. There was no blueprint and instead of that paralyzing Saya, it invigorated her and since Day 1, she’s been harnessing and adapting the magic that is entrepreneurism. She still hasn’t figured it all out and probably never will but she has figured out a variety of things and those things just happen to be sources of terror for many.


Bootcamp will teach you avenues to self-promotion and sales that work with what you already possess. No having to get certified in this or having to attend that. No e-book or fifteen-step program to buy or coach to hire. No waiting or analyzing or running things by others.

What to Bring

A tablet or laptop + pen and paper is ideal (if you don’t have a tablet/laptop, that’s ok). Food/drink for yourself, if you’d like.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


A TEDx speaker and one of Brazen Careerist' s Top Twenty Young Professionals to Watch, Saya has discovered how to turn her love of creating community, challenging herself and those around her, and enjoying life to its fullest into her “job.” Via her company Mac & Cheese Productions℠, she helps others (and herself) live a Life of Yes℠. Saya is from Evanston, went to Boston College, and resides in Chicago.

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